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title: Verification mission on compliance of 2017 commitments of the Development, Protection and Social Inclusion Plan
ID: 5603
time: August 10, 2018

The objective of the mission is to make an assessment of the eligible conditions under the Budget and Programme Support Agreements to the National Development, Protection and Social Inclusion Plan (Social Plan), in force between the Republic of El Salvador and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the European Union, as well as the verification […]

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title: Evaluation of the project SVD/013 “Primary Education in La Union” and formulation of the 2nd phase
ID: 5404
time: October 28, 2014

Following an identification mission in 2000 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg decided to support the Education Sector in El Salvador. A project was formulated based on a request of the Ministry of Education of El Salvador (MINED). This project has the objective to help improve coverage and quality of education in 41 primary […]

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title: Final evaluation of the project SVD/016 “San Agustín Reconstruction”
ID: 5410
time: October 28, 2014

On the 13th of January 2001 El Salvador suffers the devastating effects of an earthquake with epicentre in the Region of Usulután. San Agustín is amongst the villages most affected by the disaster, 95% of houses and infrastructures being destroyed. The project was conceived to help the reconstruction effort of the municipality of San Agustín […]

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title: Final Evaluation Mission – Primary Education La Unión and Morazán (Phase II)
ID: 5444
time: October 28, 2014

The Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg finances and implements development projects in El Salvador since 1993 through its executing agency for development cooperation Lux-Development, acting in close collaboration with local counterparts, mainly in the sectors of water and sanitation, health and environment. From 2001 on, the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) decided to concentrate its actions […]

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