Ref N° 659

Voice of Accountability

Overall project value (EUR)
€ 3 814 315
Origin of funding
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
Alice Production
Start date
April 2021
End date
September 2024
Number of staff provided
1.400 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

This contract forms part of a EUR 22 million Public Financial Management (PFM) programme aiming to promote good economic governance and accountability. The programme seeks to contribute to efficient use of public funds, effective resource mobilisation and strengthened domestic accountability.

The purposes of this contract are as follows:

  • To educate and increase the awareness of public financial management (PFM) in the Malawian population;
  • To establish a platform for exchange on pertinent PFM issues in Malawi;
  • To strengthen the voice of domestic accountably.

The results to be achieved include:

  • A ‘platform for exchange’ is established based on periodic TV and radio shows (including documentary and studio discussions) regarding domestic accountability, where duty bearers and civil society discuss pertinent issues in PFM;
  • An appropriate (social) media mix is applied which continuously educates the population regarding PFM and raises its awareness;
  • The population at large has increased its voice to continuously demand domestic accountability from duty bearers.

Type of services provided

  • Conduct interrelated tasks of research, pre-production (including identifying key stakeholders (demand and supply side), locations and develop suitable narratives for the documentary films) and production (from story selection to studio content writing, field reporting to studio sets and lighting design) in order to produce a series of (bi-)weekly programmes for television and radio. Appropriately brand the TV/radio platform;
  • Enhancing visibility of the PFM program, organise a respective public relations campaign to market this series using appropriate media and events (including e.g., website, Facebook, Instagram, twitter, etc.);
  • Roadshow across the country: deploying a mobile cinema van to bring content to remote areas, which have limited access to mainstream media. Ensure that the entire country is covered equally. Choose popular gatherings such as markets, lorry/ bus stations, etc. Content such as films, clips etc. translated in local languages and moderated by experienced publicists to stimulate discussions;
  • Media workshops: organise 3 days regional media/journalist workshops across the country, to increase the capacity of media practitioners to report on PFM issues in Malawi. Following the workshops, deepen the work relationship with a number of dedicated journalists to increase the quality and frequency of journalistic work in the area of PFM (demand and supply side).

Main staff provided:

  • Project director (560 w/d);
  • Production director/Manager (280 w/d);
  • Creative Manager (560 w/d).

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