Ref N° 540

Study on Intra-ACP programming for Research and Innovation

ACP regional
Overall project value (EUR)
€ 89 720
Origin of funding
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
Start date
July 2016
End date
January 2017
Number of staff provided
100 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

The purpose of this study is to explore options for a new EU-ACP Research and Innovation programme that will both meet the needs and demands of ACP countries in the context Agenda 2030, particularly SDG 9 and its targets, and bring an added value at collective intra-ACP level, with taking into account the state of play of Research and Innovation in each of the ACP regions, the recent developments in the innovation and development debate, the results of previous EU programmes, and the most significant initiatives at national, regional and global levels.

Phase 1: Identification

  • To review recent literature in the field of research, innovation and related skills development (TVET) in developing countries, and provide a solid argument on the linkages between the three areas at ACP level;
  • To provide a structured review and analysis of the needs and priorities for support to ACP countries’ research, innovation and TVET policies (including policy implementation) and capacities. The review should present a mapping of existing STI/R&I strategies at different levels. The analysis shall particularly evidence the key issues hindering the implementation of innovation strategies, key drivers and enabling factors. Possibly, ACP countries should also be clustered by level of advancement and experience. The review should also include a gender analysis;
  • To review the international/regional policy framework and the existing regional strategies and plans, and identify potential synergies at the national and intra-ACP levels;
  • To consult relevant stakeholders at global, regional and national levels to gather views on the needs and priorities to be supported, particularly addressing SDG 9, target 9.54;
  • To map ongoing and forthcoming major initiatives of EU Member States relevant to ACP countries in the field of research, innovation and related skills development;
  • To assess the relevance of the reviewed needs, priorities and drivers in the intra-ACP context and of their complementarity with other support programmes and financing instruments (at EU and EU Member States’ level);
  • To identify possible sub-regional and ACP-wide initiatives that would be able to successfully address the identified priority needs and provide the most effective niche for targeting the EU support;
  • On the basis of the overall analysis, revision and consultation process, to formulate recommendations for the European Commission and the ACP Secretariat on possible options for interlinked and complementary actions with a clear EU added value. Innovative implementing modalities should be proposed, including an estimation of the necessary management resources.

Phase 2: Formulation

  • Once the European Commission and the ACP Secretariat have decided on the options to be privileged and to be gathered into a package of initiative (i.e. programme), develop a full and detailed intervention logic.

Type of services provided

The study is undertaken by a team of two experts

  • A senior expert as team leader (category I);
  • A second expert (category II).

Core services include:

  • Attend the briefing (half-day meeting) in Brussels – with European Commission and ACP Secretariat’s representatives – to clarify expectations and objectives, and agree upon the methodology;
  • Analyse, review and recommend possible options;
  • Develop a detailed programme proposal.

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