Ref N° 226

Mid-Term Evaluation of the Poverty Reduction Support Progarmme

Overall project value (EUR)
€ 47 875
Origin of funding
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
AEDES (Framework contract Lot 8)
Start date
April 2005
End date
June 2005
Number of staff provided
1.4 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

Poverty reduction, one of the core objectives of the EU-Niger cooperation, requires approaches that take into account the social spectrum and the differences invulnerability between the various social groups, included within households.

So as to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the EU interventions in Niger with respect to poverty reduction a horizontal support programme was set-up by the NAO and the EC Delegation (Poverty Reduction Support Programme) focusing on the methodological aspects of poverty analysis and monitoring at the level of EDF financed projects. The programme aims at increasing the overall capacity of actors involved in development cooperation with respect to poverty analysis and monitoring in order to improve the quality in the design and implementation of EDF funded projects and programmes with respect to the objective of poverty reduction.

The objective of the mission is to undertake a mid-term evaluation of the project.

Type of services provided

PROMAN provided the services of one international expert. Core services include:

  • Assess relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability with respect to the target groups;
  • Verify progress achieved compared to the planned results;
  • Appreciate realisation of activities compared to the overall work plan;
  • Evaluate overall performance of the TA team; tools and reports produced etc.

The overall analysis serves as to prepare recommendations to include eventually the PACREP within the support to NAO programme.

PROMAN HQ is responsible for the backstopping of the mission and overall quality assurance.

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