Ref N° 634

Long-term Technical Assistance to the Office of the National Authorizing Officer

Overall project value (EUR)
€ 435 976
Origin of funding
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
Start date
August 2019
End date
August 2022
Number of staff provided
651 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

The overall objective of this assignment is to enhance the capacity of the NAO office to discharge effective role and function of NAO in the management of EDF resources.

The purpose of this contract is to provide adequate support to the National Authorizing Officer for an effective formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the actions under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) National Indicative Programmes (NIP) and other EU funds.

At the end of the service, the results will be:

  • Participation of the Office of the NAO and line ministries on programming, preparation, implementation of 11th EDF upgraded;
  • Programmes and projects under the 11th EDF NIP are formulated, implemented, monitored and evaluated in line with EDF Project Cycle Management (PCM);
  • EU visibility and coordination of other EU funded projects ensured;
  • Participation of other development partners, Non-State Actors and civil society groups in the implementation of EDF programmes enhanced.

Type of services provided

  • Support the day-to-day administration of the NAO: preparing official correspondences, drafting periodical reports on EU funded activities in the country; drafting financing agreements and specific contracts; preparing payments order, analysing project annual and final reports;
  • Contribute and coordinate Kiribati contributions for the formulation of the 11th EDF – project approach (WASH) and budget support approach;
  • Specifically on Budget Support: Assist in all preparations for the Financing Agreement and Budget Support contract between the Government of Kiribati and the European Union, including the assessments on eligibility criterion on the public policy, macro-economic stability, Public Finance Management and Budget Transparency and Oversight; Assist in the preparations for EU-participation in the Economic Reform Taskforce; Coordinate the preparation and compile the dossier for the tranche releases of the abovementioned Financing Agreement; Monitoring of developments in Public Finance Management reforms and reporting, regularly but also on request, to the European Union;
  • Support the imprest administrator and imprest accounting officer in the implementation of the TCF using the Multi Annual Programme Estimate Guidelines and Procurement and Grants for EU external actions practical guide (PRAG): drafting TCF annual and final reports, drafting ToR, coordinate evaluation committee, drafting tender dossier and contracts; analysing inception and final activity and financial reports;
  • Assist in the recruitment of short / medium /long term Technical Assistance to support the implementation of the NIP using PRAG;
  • Coordinate, attend and organise meetings as required such as steering committee meetings, donor coordination meeting, sectoral meetings (mainly in the WASH and Energy sector);
  • Assist EU missions, Evaluation and Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM);
  • Undertake regular field visits to monitor EU on-going actions on the ground and report to the NAO;
  • Assist in expenditure verification and audits of EU programmes and projects;
  • Coordinate and implement communication and visibility activities across the 11th EDF and ongoing or future EU funded actions;
  • Facilitate the provision of relevant information upon requests of the EU Delegation, EU Member States, Civil Society Organisations;
  • Organise, participate or facilitate Kiribati key stakeholders participation in conferences/seminars in ACP and/or EU countries on relevant EU cooperation issues;
  • Organise training of staff within the NAO Office and relevant stakeholders, including Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in EDF rules and procedures, Budget Support, Project Cycle Management or any other topics considered relevant by the NAO and the EU;
  • Organise regular meeting with CSO in alignment with the NIP;
  • Ensure the sustainability and dissemination of project results complying with the latest Communication and Visibility Manual for EU External Action (

Main staff provided:

  • Team leader (651 w/d).

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