Ref N° 568

Consultancy to Develop and Implement a Public Sector Improvement Programme for Barbados

Overall project value (EUR)
€ 293 510
Origin of funding
Proportion carried out by legal entity
Consortium members
B&S Europe
Start date
July 2017
End date
March 2018
Number of staff provided
180 w/d

Detailed description of project Back

The specific objectives of the consultancy are to increase productivity levels within the public sector through sensitization, promotional and advocacy activities, by facilitating knowledge – and experience-sharing, providing the building blocks for a collective approach to solving problems and by training, equipping and supporting employees to maximize the effectiveness, productivity and performance of their departments/ministries, and hence the government of Barbados.

The Public Sector Productivity Improvement Plan should a) clearly answer the following questions: What does a successful, optimally operating public service look like, and what is preventing us from achieving it? What should we expect from an efficiently functioning public service? and b) identify and implement sustainable solutions to achieve such a service.

The Plan will consist of the following operational components:

  • Operational Area 1: Productivity Promotion;
  • Operational Area 2: Productivity Education;
  • Operational Area 3: Human Capital Development.

Type of services provided

The services are provided by a team of three experts:

  • Media and Marketing Expert/Team leader (60 w/d);
  • Education and Training Facilitator (60 w/d);
  • Human Capital Development Specialist (60 w/d).

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